siang ini saya mau browsing ke blog yang terdaftar dalam blogroll saya yang terdapat dalam blog wordpress saya, yaitu Setelah beberapa detik loading ....jreng.. yang muncul malah tulisan ini:
Notice: The website is temporarily suspended due to overtraffic. Description: The allocated data traffic of the hosting account for this website has been exceeded and the website is temporarily suspended.
To view this website again you have the following options:
Notice: The website is temporarily suspended due to overtraffic. Description: The allocated data traffic of the hosting account for this website has been exceeded and the website is temporarily suspended.
To view this website again you have the following options:
• You are the owner of the hosting account?
• You are a visitor?
Kehabisan bandwidth atau kuota itulah yang membuat saya malas untuk membeli atau menyewa hosting. hmm.. untuk sementara saya harus bertahan di gratisan dulu, toh tidak terlalu jelek :) thx to blogspot dan wordpress yang memberikan secara gratis :)
You can login your Hosting Control Panel and use the Upgrades section in order to purchase additional monthly data traffic for your website. Or you can wait till the beginning of the next month when the data traffic counters will be reset and your website will be visible online again.
• You are a visitor?
You can come back and visit this website in the begining of the next month when the allocated data traffic will be reset automatically. Then this website should be working again, unless something else happen to the website and its contents.
Kehabisan bandwidth atau kuota itulah yang membuat saya malas untuk membeli atau menyewa hosting. hmm.. untuk sementara saya harus bertahan di gratisan dulu, toh tidak terlalu jelek :) thx to blogspot dan wordpress yang memberikan secara gratis :)
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